A GOVERNMENT inspector has given the go-ahead for a lodge park in South Cumbria to expand.

The Planning Inspectorate has allowed an appeal from Woodset Ltd for four additional cabins on Pastures Lodge Park off Templands Lane in Allithwaite.

Westmorland and Furness Council turned down plans for additional lodges on the site in April after ruling it would result in ‘encroachment’ into the open countryside.

A decision notice issued by the council said: “By virtue of this increase in scale, this would result in a detrimental visual impact on the character of the area and wider landscape.”

However, appeal documents state the existing hedgerow on the western side of the proposed lodges is ‘substantial’ and screens views from the west.

A report by the Planning Inspectorate states the size, scale and timber design of the lodges would be in keeping with the other lodges within the park.

It says: “As such, the proposed development would not be highly prominent or visually harmful when viewed from within the Park itself.”

The government inspector adds in their report the proposed lodges would be ‘significantly less visually prominent’ on the landscape than some of the existing lodges.

The inspector concludes: “The proposed development would not have a harmful effect upon the character and appearance of the surrounding countryside.”

According to planning documents the applicant wants to expand the site to meet demand after a ‘surge in demand for staycations’ across the UK.

Plans were initially in place for seven additional lodges however this was reduced to four following talks with planning officers.

The planning statement says: “The reduced, now small-scale extension would still further enhance the tourist accommodation offer in the Cartmel peninsula to help sustain the local economy including the service jobs generated by the visitor spending.”

This appeal was allowed by the Planning Inspectorate on November 18.