A UNITARIAN chapel has started a petition as it 'struggles to gain' planning consent to replace the broken roof of an historic building.  

The schoolroom, which was added to the 18th century chapel in 1882, has been out of action since sections of the ceiling collapsed nearly two years ago. The room acts as a community centre that runs events such as coffee mornings and fundraisers for charities. 

The plaster left on the floor after a section of the ceiling collapsed two years agoThe plaster left on the floor after a section of the ceiling collapsed two years ago (Image: Newsquest, Darren Shield) Since November 2022, the chapel in Market Place, Kendal, has been fundraising for the roof which they say needs to be 'entirely replaced' for the space to be used again. As a Grade II listed building located in the town's conservation area, planning permission needs to be obtained to go ahead with the work. 

However the proposal to replace the defective ceiling and solar panels to the east roof pitches has still not been decided despite it being submitted for planning consideration a year ago. 

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Conservation officer Jenny Tunney submitted a letter dated November 1, 2023.

She wrote: "The justification for the proposed internal and external works do not show an understanding of the significance of the building and the proposal in its current form, is likely to result in harm to the special architectural significance of the schoolhouse, its historic character and to the wider character of the Kendal Centre Conservation Area." 

The space, which used to be used by community groups, is no longer availableThe space, which used to be used by community groups, is no longer available (Image: Newsquest, Darren Shield) Ms Tunney added that unless applicant submitted a 'comprehensive' condition and structural survey it would not be in accordance with the South Lakeland Plan. 

The petition, submitted on change.org, describes the chapel "as a home for religious liberty and tolerance and has embodied these values for the past three centuries." 

It mentions that the chapel hosted the first same-sex marriage ceremony in Cumbria. 

"We are appealing to the general public to draw attention to this issue as it is a listed building and planning permission is struggling to be gained," it continues. 

"The petition will help raise awareness and your signatures will speed up the process so the groups which regularly used the hall are able to begin raising money in order to restore it." 

Visit www.change.org/p/save-unitarian-community-centre-s-roof