A YOUTH football coach from Cumbria who was jailed for a “campaign of rape and sexual offending" against boys has been sentenced for further offending against another young victim.

Anthony John Pickering, 62, already had 37 previous sexual offences on his record.

They include convictions before a Courts Martial for indecently assaulting a young male and earlier offences committed when he was a soccer coach in Windermere against several boys, aged between ten and 14.

Following his earlier conviction for decades old offences in 2018 in a Carlisle Crown Court trial, Pickering was jailed for life, with a minimum seven-year term.

He was brought back to court to face a fresh trial after another victim read about the prosecution in the local press and contacted the police.

The jury convicted Pickering of three new offences against a young boy – two indecent assaults and a third offence,  said to be the modern legal equivalent of an attempted rape.

Judge Nicholas Barker said it was clear that Pickering was a “prolific sexual predator,” who abused his vulnerable victims. He groomed them, “engineering” situations that give him the opportunity to abuse children.

Pickering has been classed as a dangerous offender.

The boy who was the victim of the three offences before the court  was only 11 years old at the time, while Pickering was in his late teens or early 20s, said the judge.

The judge told the defendant: “You have not admitted what you did to [the victim], acts which blighted his life… You abused him in the most appalling way.” Yet Pickering forced his victim to go through the ordeal of a trial at the crown court.

Judge Barker continued: “You are undoubtedly a dangerous offender; that is precisely why Judge Jefferies [who presided over the earlier trial] passed a life sentence.”

Read more: Life sentence for former soccer coach's 'campaign' of child sexual abuse

Judge Barker imposed a fresh 12-year jail term, which Pickering must serve a minimum of two thirds of that term. Given his earlier life sentence, he will not be released until the Parole Board consider it is safe to do do.

He will be on the Sex Offender Register for life.

Pickering was convicted of the latest three offences – the attempted rape and two indecent assaults – in April after his victim saw a newspaper article which reported on his other earlier convictions.

The assaults were committed while Pickering was a football coach at a youth football team based in the Windermere area. His 12-year jail term includes a one-year extension to his licence period.

A Cumbria Police spokesman praised the courage of the victim, saying: “I hope today’s sentencing can bring some form of closure after all these years.

“Pickering abused his position as a youth football coach and should have been someone his victims were able to trust. Instead, he took advantage of many young boys supposedly in his care.

“I hope that this case shows that it is never too late to report sexual abuse – no matter how long ago it was, we will listen to you. Cumbria Police will do everything we can to investigate reports, support victims and bring perpetrators to justice.”

If you wish to report a crime or speak to an officer about an incident, please contact Cumbria Police on 101 or via our website www.cumbria.police.uk/report-it.