Appletree School in Natland, Kendal, has been rated 'Good' following a visit from Ofsted inspectors.

The school, which is primarily attended by pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities, achieved an 'Outstanding' rating in the subcategories of 'Behaviour and attitudes' and 'Personal development'.

Inspectors found that pupils "thrive in this welcoming and friendly environment."

"Pupils behave exceptionally well," continued the report.

"They treat each other and adults with high levels of respect."

The "broad and rich" curriculum was also commended, as well as staff members' "deep understanding of the challenges that pupils have previously encountered," and their ability to adapt the delivery of the curriculum to meet pupils' individual needs.

However, inspectors also found that "in a small number of subjects, the school has not provided sufficient subject-specific support for staff to help them to implement the curriculum as intended."

The report continued: "This means that, in a very few subjects, some pupils do not develop the depth of knowledge they need to be fully prepared for new learning."

Nevertheless, the report went on to note positively that "The school has fostered a love of reading among pupils."

Overall, "Pupils are very happy at Appletree School."

The school has also ensured compliance with schedule 10 of the Equality Act.