A DANGER driver who hit a staggering 152mph during an M6 police chase involving officers from two separate forces has been given a 12-month prison sentence.

Piotr Bogzdiewicz, 46, was also over the drink-drive limit during a shocking incident which began in Lancashire at around 5am close to Junction 27 as he travelled north in a powerful Audi A6 on 3rd June.

At that time, Bogzdiewicz motored away from police at speeds of up to 152mph and performed a number of dangerous hard shoulder undertakes.

Summarising what happened next, Judge Nicholas Barker observed at Carlisle Crown Court: “So dangerous did that pursuit become that the Lancashire Constabulary tactical unit gave instructions to police officers to abandon it for the risk of serious injury, not just to (Bogzdiewicz) but to other road users.

“This was particularly as the chase was approaching a restricted speed and restricted lane part of the motorway.”

As Bogzdiewicz sped on, Cumbria police officers then took up the chase, between junctions 36 and 40, when the defendant’s top speed reached 112mph. He performed more dangerous undertakes. Officers deployed a stinger device in a bid to stop the Audi driver, who stopped to avoid running into it.

When arrested he was found to be over the drink-drive limit. A reading showed 45 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The limit is 35mcg.

Police searched Bogzdiewicz’s vehicle and found an imitation firearm — a starting pistol.

Just weeks earlier, Bogzdiewicz had been made subject to a two-year conditional discharge for previous possession of an imitation firearm.

When brought to court after the June incident, he admitted two counts of dangerous driving, imitation firearm possession and drink-driving.

A defence barrister said Bogzdiewicz, a married dad, was in distress at the time. His business had broken down, his marriage was becoming difficult and he was also suffering from depression. Symptoms were currently under control following treatment and he was confident his relationship with his wife and children would recommence.

“Because of what he did, he has now spent three-and-a-half months in prison (on remand),” said Paul Douglass. “That has given him sufficient time to reflect every day in the reason why he has had his liberty taken away from him.

“He accepts that what he did was utterly inexcusable,” added the lawyer. “He tells me that he feels remorse what he has done.”

Recorder Julian Shaw imposed an immediate 12-month jail term for what he said was “ridiculous” driving. It had been a “prolonged and persistent” course of dangerous driving with “highly dangerous” manoeuvres,” said Recorder Shaw, who added: “It was more than double the speed limit at speeds where the reaction time and ability — albeit of an Audi A6 motor car — to avoid a catastrophic and calamitous accident was reduced.”

Bogzdiewicz, of Garner Close, Brampton, near Huntingdon, must serve a 15-month driving ban when released from custody, and pass an extended re-test before his licence is returned.