South Lakes Academy has been rated ‘Good’ following a visit from Ofsted inspectors.

The independent special school, located in Highgate, Kendal, was given the rating after an inspection which took place from July 2 to July 4.

The school, which serves pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), was recognised for its "warm and supportive" environment, helping its students to be "ready for learning."

Inspectors found that "pupils are happy at this friendly and welcoming school," and that they behave "in a considerate and empathetic manner."

According to the report, bullying and discrimination are "not tolerated" and any instances are "addressed quickly."

Inspectors noted that "the school has high expectations for pupils' achievement."

The pupils have "positive attitudes to learning," and are successful in gaining the qualifications that they need for the next stage of their education, training, or employment.

Inspectors found "pupils benefit greatly from a range of sporting experiences" including golf, snooker, squash, and chess.

The school has also acquired an allotment, in which pupils can participate in gardening and arts and crafts activities.

"These experiences help pupils to develop new talents and interest," said the report.

The school's curriculum at key stage 3 could be broader, said the report, which noted that these pupils do not study geography, languages, or music.

And while "many pupils are confident and fluent readers," the school "has not ensured that pupils' reading knowledge is routinely checked."

The report recommends a systematic approach to support those still in the early stages of reading.

The school has "a strong focus on supporting positive attendance," and understands the barriers that some pupils face when it comes to attending school.

Its curriculum around personal, social, and health education, and relationships and sex education, is "comprehensive," with pupils learning about healthy lifestyle choices, drugs and alcohol, knife crime, and wider skills including budgeting, shopping, and cooking.

The report also noted that the school is compliant with schedule 10 of the Equality Act 2010, that it meets health and safety and premises requirements, and that the building is maintained to a high standard.