At Cartmel Priory School, we pride ourselves on the strength of the relationships within our school community and the impact of that on the way our students develop to be respectful, independent and responsible citizens who demonstrate extremely high standards of behaviour and very positive attitudes to learning.

Every child is important in this school and, as a small secondary school, we truly know every individual in our community. This supports us to be able to provide high quality teaching which is tailored to providing the best possible learning experience for our students, regardless of ability. As a result, our students make excellent progress.

(Image: Cartmel Priory School)

The extracurricular offer is extensive and includes a wide range of themed clubs and sporting opportunities. In addition, we have a Student Leadership programme, active in all areas of school life, to encourage students to contribute back to the school and develop those vital skills necessary for the workplace in the future. We really do want our students to be able to live their lives to the full.

In the words of Julie Wren, a current parent; “Cartmel Priory embraces all, encouraging as well as educating and ultimately bringing out the very best in its children. Students enjoy being seen and heard, as in this small school community, everyone quickly gets to know each other, students and staff, as they seamlessly transition from what went before. The teachers don’t just teach, they involve & ignite curiosity so their students don’t just learn but become responsible for playing their part in this happy school family. Ultimately, they recognise their own potential and achieve the best of it. Children spend so much of their day at school that we wanted it to feel a bit like a second home, a happy and safe environment where each individual plays their part. Since being welcomed into the Cartmel Priory family, there’s not been a day our daughter hasn’t wanted to go into school or come home with another fun or exciting addition to this chapter of her life.”

If you are unable to attend our Open Evening on Tuesday, 24 September please access our website to gain more information on the unique educational experience Cartmel Priory School can offer your child.