Mysterious mannequins that appeared in the South Cumbrian countryside this week have baffled locals.

The figures appeared on Tuesday (September 10) at Knottallow Tarn near Ulverston with some having various body parts and clothing missing.

Photos provided by a local resident show one of the four mannequins wearing a pink t-shirt and grey trousers with no head and hands. 

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Next to it is another figure wearing a pink and white shirt, blue waistcoat and no trousers.

Another image shows two more mannequins propped up by wooden beams placed close to a gate with a 'keep out' sign.

One wears a brown overcoat and black trousers whilst another wears a long green jumper, belt and black skirt. 

Social media users have offered a range of potential explanations including deterrents for birds such as cormorants and herons.

(Image: Tom Bamford) As of yet, no-one has come forward to claim ownership of the mannequins.