A NEW policy at an independent school in the Lake District means that students must 'lock their phones away' in pouches that can only be unsealed by teachers. 

In a move set to 'revolutionise the school environment' Windermere School will make pupils lock their phones in Yondr pouches upon arrival, which are only opened by staff at the end of the school day. 

The school said the initiative was 'inspired by growing concerns over the negative impact of excessive mobile phone use among young people' and claims to have 'widespread support from both parents and educators.' 

Headteacher Frank Thompson said: “Teenagers are very receptive to the attitudes and values of those around them. In controlling the volume of social media content your children receive, we are giving them the space to absorb more positive messages from those around them in the physical world and particularly during the school day.” 

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The school 'expects to see' increased attention spans, better engagement in lessons and improved academic performance from the new policy. It added that with all the pupils not having access to their phones it will alleviate the fear of missing out. 

A Windermere School parent said: “I can wholeheartedly say the new mobile phone policy at Windermere School works. One week into the new academic year and my children now voluntarily leave their mobile phones at home. As a result, their moods have dramatically improved, concentration and attention spans have increased, interests in old hobbies have been reignited”.

Yondr claims that when it surveyed over 900 partners in education 65 per cent of school saw an improvement in academic performance, 72 per cent saw an improvement in pupil behaviour, 84 per cent saw an improvement in engagement in the classroom and 86 per cent saw a positive impact on pupil safety and wellness.