The first panel of the Quaker Tapestry in Kendal features a prism through which the light shines, creating a rainbow.

It says ‘the Religious Society of Friends (which is the proper name for Quakers) – might be thought of as a prism through which the Divine Light passes to become visible in a spectrum of many colours, many more in their richness than words alone can express’.

Quakers are fond of the word ‘Light’ or ‘Inward Light of Christ’ which shows us our darkness, and brings us to new life. That new life may be what urges us to try to make the world a better place, starting with ourselves. Many Quakers are involved in counselling and therapy  where we begin to try to understand who we are and what drives our behaviour – positive work, for as Socrates said ‘The unexamined life is not worth living’.

Why are we human beings so violent and greedy, and how can we learn to seek out the roots of conflict in ourselves and our communities? How can we grow peaceful communities, and channel our aggression into positive action? Jesus taught us that love is the first thing, as do all the great religions. The difficulty is transcending our human impulses, and listening to the quiet voice within – and then perhaps having a game of football with those we have disagreed with, or trying to see their side of things.

The question is always ‘What is the Light in me pushing me to do and be?’

Written by Meg Hill, Preston Patrick Local Quaker meeting.

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