John Ruskin School (JRS) is a thriving, oversubscribed secondary school which values the close working relationship between students, staff and parents.

At the heart of all we do is our school vision: Be Respected; Be Resilient; Be Valued; Be Ready For Your Future: Be You. Through assemblies, form time, extra-curricular activities and our expectations of learning in lessons, we prepare students to be effective 21st century citizens.

When Ofsted last visited JRS they recognised that: ‘There is a strong sense of community spirit. Relationships between pupils and their teachers are warm. Pupils are well cared for, happy and safe.’ The wellbeing of our students is important as happy, supported students make the most effective learners - this helps us to secure the very best academic outcomes for our students. We know every child. 

The quality of education the students receive means they are well prepared for life beyond JRS. In lessons, Ofsted commented: ‘Pupils benefit from clear routines and high expectations. They behave well, show interest in their learning and have positive relationships with each other.’ 

We recognise the importance of oracy at JRS and students are encouraged to speak and listen effectively across all subject areas. In addition to this, the school is passionate about reading with all KS3 students part of the Accelerated Reader programme and a range of bespoke interventions are available to support students with their reading skills.

We make the most of the school’s stunning location through events like the annual fell race, Duke of Edinburgh expeditions and geography field trips. In addition to this Ofsted saw that ‘Leaders are keen to foster pupils’ appreciation of music, art and literature. For example, all pupils play a musical instrument, take part in performances and read challenging books.’ 

There are regular theatre trips and school events, including students taking part in dramatic productions such as Beauty and the Beast and Replica.  Students perform music and dance in our popular summer show, take part in Youth Speak and this year groups of students will be heading off on the French trip and the ski trip.

At John Ruskin School, we recognise every student as an individual and that’s why we continue to be one of the top performing secondary schools in Cumbria. The skills, opportunities and GCSE results acquired at JRS have enabled our students to achieve success in a range of academic and practical career paths. The guidance and support we offer with careers ensures that every child will fulfil their potential and leaves us prepared for whatever career they are inspired to pursue.

John Ruskin himself said. 'quality is never an accident, it is always the result of intelligent effort.' Staff and students at JRS always work together to get the very best from every individual child - we support students who want to develop their passions and talents; and we help students succeed if they struggle in a particular subject area or when times are tough. 

Why not come along to our Open Evening on Wednesday 25 September 2024 to see for yourself why John Ruskin School offers such a unique secondary school experience?