A pair of Dr Marten boots have been stolen from the St Mary’s Hospice charity shop in Grange.

(Image: Newsquest)

The iconic footwear was taken from the retail store between 11am and approximately 2pm on Saturday August 31.

The boots had been ‘kindly’ donated and were displayed in the window of the premises on Station Square with a price tag amounting £100.

In social media post on Monday September 2, St Mary's Hospice retail team said: “Now shoplifting is a real issue nowadays for all shops but theft from our charity is always disappointing and feels just that bit worse and personal too.

“Our volunteers and staff, who work hard to make a difference, are left feeling sad and demoralised.”

(Image: St Marys Hospice)

The charity has lost a £100 potential sale – a sum which could pay for three hours of patient care, three bereavement support sessions, six and a half cooked meals for patients or the fuel for 50 Hospice at Home visits.

The Facebook post said: “This theft is not just a loss of a very saleable pair of boots and income from their sale but a blow to the spirit of generosity and kindness that sustains our charity and ultimately our beloved hospice.”

The theft has been reported to the police.