RUNNERS will complete as many 2.5km laps as they can in two hours to raise money for a suicide prevention charity. 

Stride Against Suicide, which is run by Every Life Matters, will take place at Fell Foot park on September 22 at 9.30am near Newby Bridge on the south end of Windermere. 

Teams of up to five will run or walk as many laps around the grounds as they can. Runners have to be at least 16 years and entry is £10 per person. Every Life Matters encourages participants' own fundraising. 

Registration time is at 8.30am. All money from the event goes towards the charity, which works to reduce suicide rates in Cumbria through training and bereavement support. 

"It’s not just about running fast," a spokesperson said. "There will be music, refreshments and a variety of prizes up for grabs, alongside the cup for most laps completed by a team and individual – best team name, largest and smallest combined age, largest and smallest combined shoe size, best outfits, and many more."