Friends of a mum who tragically lost her life after a Caesarean have paid tribute to her.

Rachael Galloway, 36, from Warton, died following the delivery of her twin boys Noah and Abel.

Tragically, Rachael did not survive the procedure but held on long enough to ensure her twin boys arrived safe into the world.

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Just a week before, Rachael was engaged to her partner Matt Whittaker, 36, and sadly leaves her fiancé, two baby boys and her beloved German Shepherd Ruby behind.

Courtney Ogden said: "Rachael was a beautiful soul who I will always think of as a true best friend. Growing up with Rach was intoxicating—we just clicked. Rach was outgoing, brave, and bold. I looked up to her—she was an amazing friend who made me laugh until I cried. She made my childhood special just by being a part of it.

"Adult life with Rach was no different. Milestones and choices we all made never got in the way of our friendship, even when Rachael moved from Rochdale. We would always arrange catch-ups, spa days with the girls, nights out, or simply just meeting halfway for tea. When we got together, we just picked up where we left off—a friendship we all knew was too good to miss. No conversation was void or off-limits.

"One New Year’s, I went to stay with Rach. We danced and laughed all night—obviously, we had the best night, as we always did. The next day, we woke up a little hungover with an email confirmation to say our holiday was booked... again, we laughed until we cried—no thought of work and responsible adult life. It came to May, and it was sun, sea, and sand, drinking absinthe, and matching tattoos. We had the best time, and forever memories were made.

"Rachael always lived life to the fullest, and whoever knew her will understand just how special she was. It’s hard to put into words all that she was. No future milestone we take will feel the same without her.

(Image: Gala PR) Emma Jones said: "When Rach said she was moving to Carnforth, I wasn’t surprised as I knew she loved spending time up there and at the holding, and she loved the country life. I used to say it was like watching the old programme The Good Life when I used to go and see her up there tending to her plants in the greenhouse and polytunnel.

"Rach was so happy and bubbly—she always had the biggest smile, and I won’t ever forget that. If you had Rach as a friend, you had a friend for life. She was always there through the good and the bad times, and I will be forever grateful to have known Rach and to have had that time with her.

(Image: Gala PR)

Rachel Davidson added: "It was almost 32 years ago that Rach and I met at primary school, and although we didn’t know it at the time, we were to become great friends.

We grew closer when we were about to go to high school and decided to get the bus together.

"It wasn’t long after that I introduced Rach to my childhood best friends, and they also became best friends instantly. None of us remember the actual first meeting, but it was as if Rach had always just been there with us.

"We all navigated through our teenage years together, then into adulthood.

"Rach moved to Bingley, but this didn’t stop us. We absolutely loved going over for a girls' night out—always a great time getting ready together, then out dancing, then back home to put the world to rights. We often met up halfway too, in Hebden Bridge. Aya Sophia was our usual and favourite place.

"Rach lost her mum when we were just 17 years old. Despite being at such a crucial age, becoming a woman herself, she absolutely smashed it all—doing well in everything she did.

"She was fiercely independent and very strong, always up for trying something new, whether that be a new course, exercise, photography—she even started a blog during lockdown, which we only recently discovered!

"Some of the things she loved were dog walking, boot camps, a girls' night out, a good curry, and her beloved Liverpool football club—even getting a tattoo to prove her love of the team! We had to go on a special night out once to watch them play in an important match. When Rach turned 30, we bought her the latest shirt and had her age printed on the back of it—she loved it.

"We gave each other advice, told each other straight, and laughed with and at each other often. So many great times—too many to tell.

"Life will never be the same without our girl, but we will vow to continue the good times in our dear friend's memory.

"We love you, Rach."