This week we have been celebrating two saints, one after the other, St Monica on August 27 and St Augustine on August 28. Mother and son.

The son is more famous: in his own time, as a great bishop, preacher and teacher; for Christians over the many centuries since, as a profound and brilliant thinker, whose writings still inspire and enlighten us today.

But Augustine knew that he would have got nowhere without his mother. Or at least, nowhere that mattered. When young, he put threw himself into a glittering career – which did nothing but disillusion him. She, meanwhile, was begging the Lord persistently and tearfully, for the return of her prodigal son to his childhood faith.

Her prayers were answered to dramatic effect. Augustine tells us in his writings of his great admiration for his mother – for her faith and loyalty, her wisdom and gifts as a peace-maker. He even describes her taking a significant part in philosophical discussions between him and his friends.

Augustine was discreet about giving the names of his loved ones, and we know her name only from one mention. After her death, which he movingly describes, he asked all his readers to pray for her and his father, Patrick.

In remembering Monica, we honour all those parents who strive to give their children what really matters: love, truth, faith and hope. We can also ask her prayers, and those of her son, for our own families, especially for any youngsters who are tempted to go astray.

Written by Sr Margaret Atkins, Boarbank Hall, Allithwaite

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