A PENSIONER living in a housing association estate says residents become 'ground down' with the amount of anti-social behaviour in their area. 

The resident, in her 70s, has lived on Cedric Estate in Grange since 2015. She has lodged numerous complaints with the housing association Castles and Coasts since then regarding other residents' behaviour in her area. 

"Nobody takes any notice, never take any action. Tenants become ground-down trying to find any help and support," she said.

She claims her mobile phone was mugged, that children 'running wild' caused £700 worth of damage to her car, and that the car park is 'highly dangerous' because many cars, vans and caravans park on the estate for long periods of time, including on pavements, blocking access for the emergency services. 

The estate is built on the site of the former Berners swimming pool, which was knocked down a decade after it was builtThe estate is built on the site of the former Berners swimming pool, which was knocked down a decade after it was built (Image: Sheenah Alcock) She also said she spotted some of the children on the estate urinating against the walls and that this was because of a lack of respect for the law and the community. 

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Dawn Clark, housing services director, said: "Castles and Coasts Housing Association (CCHA) is aware of the specific issues raised by the resident of Cedric Walk, which were first raised some years ago and have been intensively managed, responded to, and concluded, in partnership with the local police, fire service and MP.

"These concerns were taken extremely seriously and have previously formed part of a formal complaints process, which had oversight at the most senior level at CCHA, including our board.

"I can confirm that CCHA has taken appropriate and proportionate action, working in partnership with other agencies over the past years, and all appropriate actions have been completed within the timelines required.

"We’ve also regularly checked with other residents who live at Cedric Walk, to see if the concerns raised by the resident are shared by other residents at the scheme. This has involved letters, telephone calls and visits to other residents, to make sure there are no similar concerns for other residents.

"We continue to take the views of all residents extremely seriously and we remain committed to listening to, and responding to any concerns. Over the coming weeks we will be carrying out more visits to all residents at Cedric Walk to speak with them and to understand if there are any current issues and concerns.

"In the meantime, if any residents do have any immediate concerns, we would urge them to contact us on 0800 085 1171 so we can investigate any issues and take appropriate action.”

The Cedric Walk estate is on the site of the former Berners swimming pool, which was knocked down in 2013 just ten years after it was built.