A SCHOOL is celebrating its 'best ever' set of A-Level results - which are 10 per cent above the national average. 

The Queen Katherine School is on Appleby Road, Kendal. 39 per cent of grades achieved by students at the school are A* or A equivalent, compared to 27.8 per cent nationally. 

Headteacher Jon Hayes said the results are 'testament' to all the hard work of the students. 

Mr Hayes said: "It has been another really successful year for our students. Not only have they achieved excellent exam results, they have also been involved in many wider activities such as Duke of Edinburgh, educational visits and voluntary work in the local community.

"Their two years at The Queen Katherine School Sixth Form will have equipped them for their futures. On behalf of all the staff and governors, I wish them every success as they move on to university, apprenticeships and the next steps in their lives."

Ruth Nelson, head of Sixth Form, added: "This year saw our Year 13 students achieve particularly impressive results at the end of a disrupted academic journey due to Covid.

"Our students have worked immensely hard and focused on their destinations alongside their studies, opening the doors to access competitive degree courses, leading universities, sought after higher degree apprenticeships and specialised employment.

"We are extremely proud of our students who leave us with a myriad of qualifications, skills and personal qualities - we celebrate our students as individuals who have shone for many different reasons alongside their academic success. We feel honoured to have been a part of their journey through Sixth Form and wish them every success in their next steps."