A STUDENT will be going to Oxford to study physics with exceptional grades despite having 'food poisoning' during one of his exams. 

Kirkbie Kendal student Zachary Corbett bagged 4*s in his A-Levels today (15 August), which means he is off to one of the top rated universities in the world. 

After opening his results said: "I'm feeling so relieved because I was just so stressed the whole summer I've been stressing about it. I was sick for one of my exams, one of my Physics exams I got food poisoning or something like that - my whole family was ill from it.

"It's all worked out now so it's fine," he added. 

He got his 4*s in Maths, Physics, Further Maths and Chemistry. Zachary had been predicted his grades, but he said that he got 'nervous' throughout the year. He only decided he wanted to go to Oxford at the beginning of Sixth Form. 

His friend Eddie Hibbins also achieved high grades, getting 2A*s, an A and a B, with a place at Lancaster University.

He said: "I'm really relieved, I checked my UCAS this morning and I saw that I'd got into Lancaster but I didn't know that I would have got 2A*s - it's just an extra boost."