James Perez starred in an historic week for pickleball at a record-breaking Skechers English OPEN.

Transport planner Perez, 57, featured in the English Open at the Telford International Centre – the largest pickleball event taking place outside of North America.

With ages from 7 to 70+ competing, the event is reflective of the incredible growth in pickleball over recent years, with a record number of almost 2,000 players from 42 countries participating in a sport which has aspirations of making the Olympic programme.

“The pickleball club in Bristol sort of existed, but nothing much was happening with it to make it grow,” said Perez.

“Myself and another six or seven of us on the committee have really pushed it forward in the last couple of years and it’s really grown with pickleball.

“It’s really noticeable how many more people have taken an interest in wanting to start and it’s great to see players developing as part of the club.”

This year’s English OPEN comprised seven days of high-level competition, with the world’s top professionals from America, Europe and Asia taking to the court in singles, doubles, mixed, wheelchair and junior events.

A hybrid of tennis, badminton & table tennis, the sport’s popularity has been attributed to its accessibility. Easy to pick up and fun to play, the sport’s accessibility transcends demographics, providing it with universal appeal.

“I was here last year as well, and I’ve been at a few Opens, and the fact they’ve hit almost 2,000 players just says everything about how the sport is growing,” added Perez.

“And I think they could probably have doubled that if they had double-the-size venue!

“I occasionally play people from other countries when I visit my family in Spain – I do get to play with a lot of the natives there – and I think most of the visitors here seem to be at a higher level, which is just a little above my grade at the moment.”

Pickleball England has announced a record number of players competing at this year’s English OPEN from the 8th-14th August at the Telford International Centre in the largest pickleball event taking place outside of the USA EVER – visit pickleballengland.org