MPs have blasted National Highways' response to what they deem a 'killer junction' on the M6 between Kendal and Sedbergh.

Last month, MPs Tim Farron and Lizzi Collinge wrote a joint letter to the organisation after a tragic accident at the A684 junction in which 55-year-old Beverley Hainsworth was killed on July 28.

In May last year, a man in his 80s died and several other people were seriously hurt following a crash.

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The ministers say that the flyover bridge has become an accident blackspot in recent years with numerous serious and fatal incidents.

In May last year, a man in his 80s died and several other people were seriously hurt following a crash.

Letters of concern from local residents were also sent alongside the MPs' letter.

(Image: Cumbria Police) The minister asked if ‘STOP’ signs could be introduced at the junction to prevent drivers from travelling straight across the A684.

In a response written by Executive Director of Operations  Duncan Smith, National Highways concluded, after meetings with Cumbria Road Safety Partnership, local authority representatives, the DVSA and emergency services, that the signage in place is 'appropriate'.

The Letter went on to read: "Department for Transport guidance states that other than at junctions with tramways, ‘stop’ signs should only be provided where visibility is so restricted that it is essential for drivers to stop before entering a major road.

"Visibility from the exit slip roads is clear and unrestricted, therefore, provision of a ‘stop’ sign at this location is not considered to be appropriate."

(Image: Newsquest) Mr Smith paid tribute to those affected by the tragic incident last month and went on to add that a further review will be carried out to see if the 'prominence of the junction' can be increased.

He also added: "Once the police have completed their investigations and the coroner confirms their findings, we will act on any appropriate recommendations made."

In a letter provided to the Westmorland Gazette, MP Tim Farron wrote back in response: "I am sorry but I cannot accept your judgement with regard to the deaths at Junction 37 of the M6.

"I am afraid that it is unacceptable to those of us who live here and who are repeatedly aware of the risk to life at this crossroads for you to proclaim: – 'My thoughts and sympathies are with those affected by these tragic events. As police investigations are ongoing into both incidents, it would be inappropriate for me to comment until these have concluded'. 

(Image: Darren Shield)

"I feel that it is your duty to order the immediate installation of temporary traffic lights until you have determined upon the permanent solution to this killer junction. 

"Otherwise you would risk accusation of death by maladministration, as evidenced by the letters from constituents which I have submitted to you.

"I trust that you will give me your decision on this at once because I and my constituents will be sure to hold you accountable, if there is any delay?

"Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter."