A SUSPECTED drink driver stopped by police had never held a driving licence, a court heard.

Barrow man Ethan Edney was driving on the A592 near Newby Bridge when he was stopped by police officers who claimed he was swerving over the road.

Checks later revealed the 26-year-old had never held a full or provisional driving licence, South Cumbria Magistrates' Court heard.

Edney admitted failing to provide a sample of breath to police, as well as driving without a licence or insurance, when he appeared before magistrates.

Prosecutor Lee Dacre described the incident on July 22.

He said: "Police officers were driving on the A592 when they see a driver swerving on the road and driving in the middle of the road.

"The officers brought him to a stop and he confirmed he had been driving the vehicle.

"He was taken to a patrol car where he was asked to provide a specimen of breath but said he would not do so."

Mr Dacre said the motorist was taken to Kendal Police Station to provide another sample but again refused to do so.

The court heard Edney had 13 previous offences on his record.

In mitigation, Trystan Roberts said the defendant had been in Bowness with friends but made the 'foolish' decision to drive home.

"I spoke to him about what happened what may happened and he was gobsmacked.

"I don't think he realised just how serious it was."

Mr Roberts said Edney accepted he had drunk alcohol before driving but did not think he was driving badly, as the police claimed.

The court heard in a pre-sentence report by the Probation Service that Edney had admitted he had drunk alcohol before driving, which motivated him to refuse to give a sample and that he was 'ashamed and embarrassed'.

Edney also admitted he was alcohol dependent.

Sentencing him for the 'deliberate' refusal to provide a sample to officers, magistrates told him to complete alcohol treatment and fined him £140.

Edney, of Urswick Green, was also given a 28-month ban on holding a driving licence.