A SOUTH Cumbria woman with physical disabilities has aspirations of one day becoming one of the best saddlers in the country.

Hattie Crabtree, from Far Sawrey near Hawkshead, has produced high-quality hand-stitched leather goods from belts and handbags to dog collars for the past eight years.

Using traditional techniques and only the best British materials available, the skilled craftsman has won several awards for her heritage craft business.

(Image: Hattie Crabtree)

(Image: Hattie Crabtree)

(Image: Hattie Crabtree)

Last year she claimed first prize in an intermediate bridle class, including a premium award for a matching set of double show reins.

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She also won an award at the British Equestrian Trade Association show for her hand-stitched acorn flash – just a few months after reconstructive shoulder surgery for her Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS).

Hattie has already completed her Level Three Bridal saddle qualification and is currently working towards obtaining her Level Three Harness qualification.

(Image: Hattie Crabtree)

Earlier this year, she was delighted to finish second in the small business saddle category for her handmade saddle.

(Image: Hattie Crabtree)

“I’m now going into hopefully becoming a qualified saddle fitter,” Hattie said.

“I have EDS and multiple sclerosis but if I hadn’t been diagnosed with my MS then I wouldn’t have started this journey.”

Hattie began her career by working with children and adults with additional learning difficulties but in 2016 she was forced to re-evaluate her life after being diagnosed with MS.

She decided to move to London to pursue a career she had always wanted to do since she was 17 – saddlery – and she has never looked back.

“My disabilities are just part of who I am,” she added.

“I’m always looking to better myself. I’ve been lucky enough to be taught by some of the best mentors in the world. Eventually, I aim to be one of the best saddlers in the country.

“Recently I was at saddle fitting training with the person who fits the saddles for the Olympic horses, which was an amazing experience.”

Hattie’s love for the equine world began in her childhood with her mother who was an Eventer and when her Godmother gave her a Pony Club membership.

She took over her business from a friend who decided to step away to explore a different career path.

"It’s really important that we work together with all other horse professionals,” Hattie added.

“We have to prove that we are putting the horse’s welfare first at all times.

“In the future, I want to be able to give back to saddlery by having an apprentice with me. I think it’s really important to share information and to pass on skills.”