Residents in Ambleside believe their slice of the Lake District has been turned into 'Hell on Earth'.

Work is ongoing between Loughrigg Park and Borrans Road to build 40 new houses - including 22 affordable homes - by Atkinson Building Contractors.

Construction works have included rock-breaking operations near existing properties, resulting in noise levels that locals say they are struggling to live with.

One such resident is Alan Walker, who said: "You could call it 'Hell on Earth' with the constant pecking sound from the attempts to break up the granite which dominates the site and with the noise of huge machinery moving rocks around - it is like living in a quarry rather than a quiet residential area.

"The great majority of us that live here are retired and want to enjoy our retirement in a peaceful Lake District environment.

"With this going on seemingly all the summer months, we cannot have windows open or sit out in the garden."

Read more: Proposed Ambleside development receives objections | The Westmorland Gazette

Alan added that the noise starts at 8am with no breaks until around 5pm, happening five days a week.

The affordable homes being built are a 'much needed' addition to AmblesideThe affordable homes being built are a 'much needed' addition to Ambleside (Image: Atkinson Building Contractors Ltd)

Residents have met with the Lake District National Park Authority and Westmorland and Furness Council's Environmental Agency.

The former commented: "We have met with neighbours and understand their concerns, and we are working with the council who are also investigating the noise concerns under non-planning legislation. 

"The planning permission requires Environmental Management Controls are adopted in accordance with the British Standard Code of practice for noise and vibration control on construction sites.  

"We met with Atkinson and works temporarily ceased, however, construction has since resumed, and whilst some noise mitigation measures have been put in place, we still await an adequate noise management plan from Atkinson."

Out of the 40 houses being built, 22 will be affordableOut of the 40 houses being built, 22 will be affordable (Image: Atkinson Building Contractors Ltd)

Neil McKaskie, Operations Director at Atkinson, explained that the construction of 'much-needed' affordable housing was always going to present 'challenges'.

He added: "We recognise that the nature of construction can cause temporary disruptions to neighbouring properties. 

"We have implemented measures to reduce the noise from rock excavation and we are working with the Lake District National Park and Westmorland and Furness Council to supply the additional documentation they recently requested. 

"On completion, the affordable housing for local young families will help safeguard the long-term viability and vibrancy of the community."