PLANS for a new dog walking enclosure in south Cumbria have been turned down with one committee member branding the proposed location as ‘totally wrong’.

Members of the planning committee for the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA) narrowly refused proposals from Pooch Pods Ltd to create a dog walking enclosure on land next to Devil’s Bridge in Kirkby Lonsdale.

The plans were turned down with nine members voting for its refusal, with seven voting against that proposal.

Plans included the creation of an enclosed private field offering safe and secure spaces for dog owners to book time slots to allow their pets to play off lead.

The proposed space would be available for local dog owners, trainers, dog walkers and breed-specific groups to book.

Committee member Graham Simpkins said: “This is the gateway to the Westmorland Dales, and directly opposite the ‘welcome to the Westmorland Dales’ sign we’re going to have this dog facility. I don’t have a problem with the dog facility, but the location is totally wrong.

“This is just totally the wrong place, the other side of the road we’ve got Devil’s Bridge which is quite a spectacle. It’s an important part of what it is we’ve got to offer with the Dales. To put this directly opposite is totally wrong in my opinion.”

Applicant Annie Golden told the committee Pooch Pods is a ‘successful’ business and the plans for a dog walking enclosure in the area was due to ‘feedback’ from local residents.

Ms Golden said: “This for me, it’s a resolution to problems of dog attacks, sheep worrying and several other issues regarding agriculture or livestock.”

In planning documents, the applicant added: “I have seen many comments and requests on social media from individuals that are visiting the area and are seeking this service.”

It was proposed the field would be divided into four sections with six feet high deer fencing constructed around the entire boundary. The current walls, tree and hedges would have remained untouched unless they are in need of repair, a design and access statement said..

Committee member Libby Bateman told the committee she thinks there would be a ‘real demand’ for this facility in the area.

Ms Bateman said: “I do expect the local community will value this facility because not everyone’s got well-trained sheepdogs or labradors that will walk to heel all the time.”

However, a report prepared for the committee by YDNPA planning officers said: “The proposed creation of a dog exercise area would have a detrimental impact on the distinctive, open, pastoral landscape character of this part of the National Park and wider setting of the Devil’s Bridge and its contribution to the landscape and character of Kirkby Lonsdale through the introduction of enclosure fences, structures, lighting and other facilities and paraphernalia.”

The planning application was refused on July 16.