A COUPLE have shared their cancer stories in the hope it will help others who are diagnosed.

Henry and Emily Clark, from Carnforth, discovered their respective diagnoses – Mr Clark's melanoma and Mrs Clark's rectal cancer – within a 12-month period which has been described as a 'very rare' situation.

During CancerCare's 40th anniversary ball earlier this year, Mr Clark made a speech detailing his experience with cancer, and also revealed his wife's recent diagnosis.

He received counselling from CancerCare and he also raised £1,400 for the charity by climbing Snowdon.

Mrs Clark was originally unsure about sharing her story.

She said: "I shouldn’t be ashamed or embarrassed and should be proud and open.

"Both Henry and I have had cancer within a year of each other.

"We were both told we were too young, and that this situation is very rare."

Mrs Clark's fight began after an initial symptom of excessive rectal bleeding.

The couple got matching cancer ribbon tattoosThe couple got matching cancer ribbon tattoos (Image: CancerCare)

She sought help from a doctor and after several tests was referred for a colonoscopy.

This test uncovered a substantial tumour, which was found to be cancerous following biopsies.

She underwent surgery in March to remove the tumour and parts of her bowel, colon, anal canal, and anus, and is now adapting to life with a stoma bag.

Her first walk post-surgery was just 30 steps, which she described as "a hobble, whilst clinging onto my drip for dear life."

Throughout her ordeal, she was supported by friends, family, and her husband.

Mr Clark said: "It’s been so difficult for us, physically and mentally, and I’m so proud of Emily.

"It’s easy to forget how much our children have gone through as two of their absolute rocks, the strongest people in their lives, have become weaker and more vulnerable for long periods of time.

“Not only have they been incredibly resilient and strong, handling their emotions and keeping their sense of humour and amazing personalities, but they’ve also started first jobs and different schools."

In recognition of their journey together, the couple got matching cancer ribbon tattoos.

Mrs Clark, still on her road to recovery, is determined to make the most of life.

She said: "I’m looking forward to the summer after eight weeks of absolute hell on earth.

"I’d like to think I’ve cried all my tears but I’m still taking each day as it comes.

"I’m back to cheering my little man on at football, something that has made me so happy."

Her advice to others is simple.

She said: "We need to know our bodies and what’s normal for us.

"Just go and get it checked out."

CancerCare will host the Great CancerCare Ball on March 21, 2025, at the Mazuma Stadium in Morecambe.