The Kendal Calling music festival is set to kick off this weekend.

Taking place at Lowther Deer Park from August 1 to 4, the annual festival is expecting around 40,000 fans.

Cumbria Police have been working closely with event organisers for months to ensure security measures are in place.

Drug detection dogs have already been deployed for sweeps of the grounds and nearby areas.

(Image: Cumbria Police Dog Section)

This not only deters festival-goers intending to smuggle drugs on-site but also limits drug-related offences.

Sweeps will be regularly conducted throughout the festival.

Drug amnesty bins will be placed at entrances and carrying illegal drugs past these points could result in ejection from the festival and prosecution.

Officers will additionally maintain a presence, cooperating with organisers and security staff to prevent incidents of crime and disorder.

(Image: Cumbria Police Dog Section)

Inspector Sarah Hodkinson, public order and public safety bronze commander for Kendal Calling, said: “As with previous years, a great deal of effort has gone into planning this event along with the event organisers, security teams, local council, highways and other partners.

“Our officers, special constables and police dogs work tirelessly in the lead up and throughout the festival to ensure the safety of everyone attending the event, protect the public and reduce the number of illegal substances brought onto site.

“They also deal with incidents such as high-risk missing people, violence and keeping the peace.

“We will have non-unfirmed and uniformed officers along with our dogs section assisting security staff and deploying thermal imaging drones throughout the car parks.

“Remember – do not take valuable, irreplaceable items on site with you and make sure items such as your mobile phone is kept with you at all times.”

David Allen, fire and crime commissioner of Cumbria Police, said: “It is great that as a county, we host so many large events, such as Kendal Calling, attracting local support and thousands of tourists to the area.

“This is why it is important that we make sure such occasions are safe, secure and organised in such a way that everyone can have a good time.

“The Constabulary’s priority is always to keep people safe from harm and I am confident that their planning and partnership working with the festival organisers, on-site security and supporting agencies, will enable everyone to have fun weekend.”