Brantwood is hosting an exhibition, Pull My Thread, this summer.

It will feature Interwoven, a project born during Walk for Earth, a 1000-mile journey walked by Zoe Bicât and her mule Falco from Oxford to Loch Lomond to raise awareness and funds for SEI.

During Walk for Earth, which spanned 14 months, 15 textile artisans, including weavers, spinners, and natural dyers, crafted Interwoven.

It runs from July 27 - September 22, 2024.

The piece will be offered to the ambassador of Vanuatu from the UK, acknowledging the islands as the world’s most climate-vulnerable state.

It also honours its role as the first state to call for recognition of ecocide at the International Criminal Court in December 2019.

Howard Hull, Director, Brantwood, said: "We know that we live on a remarkable but finite planet and that we rely utterly on natural resources, not only for our physical life but also for our sanity.

"Ruskin saw that we had to work collaboratively with nature to ensure that everything we take from it is returned in a way which helps it to thrive."

Zoe BicâtZoe Bicât (Image: Taormina Miller)

He praised the artisans of the Blue Patch community, for their dedication to crafts that are both generous to nature and enriching to the maker and user alike.

The director also underscored humanity's propensity for greed and competition, suggesting that to prevent ecocide, man-made laws need to work alongside the laws of nature.

Zoe Bicât, coordinator of the Interwoven project, said: "I'm excited to have the Interwoven project featured in John Ruskin’s former studio at Brantwood House.

"Ruskin's belief that "There is no wealth but life" aligns with the project’s focus on small-scale, local crafts using materials that are produced regeneratively as much as possible."

Jane Langley, founder of Blue Patch sustainable business community, said: "Ecocide is happening all around us - when we harm our planet we harm ourselves.

"Stop Ecocide International's profoundly important mission to protect ecosystems by making ecocide an international crime, fits our vision at Blue Patch to unite creative businesses for a net zero world, so we're delighted to feature 'Interwoven' in our exhibition 'Pull My Thread - textiles for a cool planet' at Brantwood."