The new MP gave her first speech in the House of Commons this week.

Lizzi Collinge of Labour, covering Morecambe and Lunesdale, discussed the natural beauty of the area, key issues for residents, and her priorities as an MP on July 22.

She gave a respectful nod to her predecessors David Morris, Tim Farron, and Cat Smith.

She also celebrated Geraldine Smith's contributions, who served Morecambe and Lunesdale from 1997 to 2010, saying she was “still extremely well regarded in the constituency”.

Her speech can be watched at

Discussing her political origins, Lizzi joked about her friend Cat's role, saying: "When I joined the Labour party in 2014 after the birth of my first child, my hon.

"Friend invited me for a brew. I thought this was a very kind gesture. Little did I know what she had in store for me.

“Morecambe and Lunesdale is definitely the most beautiful constituency in the country. From the golden sands of Middleton, through the beautiful art deco buildings and stunning sunsets of Morecambe, up the lush Lune Valley, across the Arnside and Silverdale national landscape, and into the wild beauty of Westmorland, you would be hard pushed to find a better place to live or work.

“My constituency has a diverse set of towns and villages, all with their own needs and fantastically strong communities… In constituencies such as Morecambe and Lunesdale, one size does not fit all, so as our new Government deliver their ambitious programme of national renewal, I will ensure that the voices of all my communities are heard.”

She went on to discuss key legislation concerning bus system reforms, independent football regulation, support for farmers, water pollution action, and nature protection to be introduced by the the new Government.

Collinge, having a strong interest in health and social care, showed gratitude to health safety campaigners and declared her aim to continue working on health matters.

Lizzi finished her speech with tributes to her family, promising to work across the chamber to serve her constituents.