Carus Green Golf Club's Ladies' section have presented a cheque of £2,173.86 to the directors of the Lancaster and District Samaritans Branch.

This sum of money was raised through a series of fundraising events during the 2023 golfing season.

The money was given to the Samaritans, the chosen charity of the 2023 by lady captain, Chris Hough, who volunteers with the Lancaster branch.

A significant fundraising event was the Lady Captain's day at Carus Green Golf Club in July 2023.

Chris Ingham, the Lancaster Samaritans' director, handed out prizes and gave a special speech afterwards.

In her speech, Ms Ingham said: "Whatever amount you can raise - however little or great - it will ensure that we can continue to answer the phone to our callers and remain a viable Branch."

Throughout the 2023 season, the Carus Green ladies showed generosity towards organising and raising funds.

The Christmas Hamper Raffle alone raised £918!

Ms Hough expressed the importance of the Samaritans' work, saying: "When we pick up the phone on shift, we never know what we are going to hear or talk about.

"And recently, the level of desperation of callers who are experiencing extreme mental health problems has increased significantly."

The impressive donation contributes significantly to the growth and sustainability of the Lancaster Branch of the Samaritans.

The money received will launch the branch's fundraising campaign 'Moving On', aimed at securing and equipping a new building for the Samaritans Centre.

The current centre is housed in an old Georgian building on Sun Street where the Samaritans have been since 1977.

The costs of necessary repairs and renovations are unfeasible.

As a result, the branch has chosen to begin a major fundraising campaign in search of new premises to further growth and development.