The overcast weather did not put a dampener on Ingleton's Gala.

Despite an unpromising start to Saturday, July 20, 2024, the village of Ingleton turned out in full, ready to cheer on its 60th annual gala.

This time-honoured tradition, which began in 1964, has seen the coronation of a gala queen each year, and this year did not disappoint with the addition of the first Gala King, George Bairstow.

The celebration's vibrancy was impossible to miss as a colourful parade navigated the village streets.

Led by Batala Lancaster, who marked their 20th anniversary, the parade welcomed participation from fellow Batala branches in Manchester, Bangor, Mersey, and even Austria.

Upon reaching the gala field, the 2024 king was crowned and flanked by attendants Pearl Murray, Phoebe Tallon, Bluebell Taylor, Emily Sellars, and Freddy Hothersall.

Gala king George Bairstow and his attendantsGala king George Bairstow and his attendants (Image: Ingleton Gala committee)

Following the crowning, awards and prizes for the fancy dress competition were distributed, adding to the festive atmosphere.

The jubilant crowd was further entertained by Batala Lancaster in the arena.

They followed their drumming display by conducting a workshop session, allowing adventurous members of the crowd to participate.

The entertainment continued with the Bubble Whisperer's gigantic bubbles and an iconic egg throwing competition, which saw Adele Horner and Bill Taylor emerge as winners.

The gala field was a hive of activity hosting organisations like the keep-fit ladies, scouts, sports clubs, theatre group, and traders.

Visitors enjoyed the bouncy castles provided by Hardys Soft Play and a water demonstration by the Bentham Fire Service.

Meanwhile, the annual mountain race, arranged by Settle Harriers, saw its participants return within 40 minutes, an impressive feat considering the afternoon heat.

For those seeking respite from the gala field's energetic activities, the community centre offered a sanctuary, with ex-WI ladies serving tea, sandwiches, and cakes.

The Gala committee consisted of Liz Holman, Sarah Beeforth, Helen Wilson, Kelly Robinson, and Beryl Morphet.

Their arduous work alongside the sports field team, community centre staff, parade marshals, charity organisers, and businesses ensured the Gala’s success.

They expressed gratitude towards everyone who dedicated time and resources to make the 60th Ingleton Gala a memorable one.