A man who sexually abused two young girls died in HMP Haverigg of natural causes, a report has found.

Colin Cambray, from Bolton, was first jailed in 2017 for sexually abusing a girl in the early 2000s and was sentenced again in 2020 when it emerged he had preyed on a second victim.

A report released by the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman has now revealed that Cambray, who was 55, died of natural causes while serving his sentence in Cumbria.

The report said: “The clinical reviewer concluded that the clinical care Mr Cambray received at Haverigg was of a good standard and equivalent to that which he could have expected to receive in the community.

“She found that appropriate reviews were held when Mr Cambray’s physical health deteriorated, staff responded appropriately to the emergency code and transferred him to hospital when it was clinically indicated.

Cambray was brought before Bolton Crown CourtCambray was brought before Bolton Crown Court (Image: Newsquest)

“The clinical reviewer made no recommendations.”

Cambray was jailed in 2017 when he was convicted of five counts of indecently assaulting a young girl after a four-day trial at Bolton Crown Court.

Cambray was then brought before Bolton Crown Court again in 2020 for abusing a second girl between 2010 and 2012.

He was given an extended determinate sentence of nine years and remained in prison until his death earlier this year.

According to the Prisons and Probation Service report, Cambray died of a brain injury on January 19 this year, which was caused by a cardiac arrest.

This in turn had been caused by “spontaneous pneumothorax”, meaning the presence of air or gas in the cavity between the lungs and chest wall.

The report said: “The PPO investigator investigated the non-clinical issues relating to Mr Cambray’s care.

“We did not find any significant non-clinical issues of concern related to his death and we make no recommendations.”

But it also said prison staff did not activate their body-worn cameras when the general alarm sounded on January 2 2024.

This was required by HMP Haverigg’s policy.

The report said that at an inquest held in July this year, a coroner concluded that Cambray died of natural causes.