A MAN with an extensive criminal record was ‘extremely lucky’ to be spared an immediate custodial sentence after he assaulted a police officer.

Kyle Game, of Lound Road in Kendal, kicked PC Nathan Sproat to the face with a shod foot on June 9, South Cumbria Magistrates’ Court heard.

Prosecutor Lee Kelly said the incident occurred after officers received a 999 call from the defendant saying he was suicidal and that he was going to jump from a bridge in Kendal.

Mr Kelly said the 21-year-old defendant was behaving ‘erratically’ when police asked him to climb down from the railings.

The court heard Game assaulted PC Sproat when the officer had bent down to check if he had any head injuries.

The court was told the officer suffered pain and discomfort as a result.

Solicitor Karen Templeton said her client ‘desperately needed help’ to address his drinking problem.

It comes after the court heard the defendant had an antecedent record containing 44 offences.

Ms Templeton added: “He says he is still drinking but wants to get into a rehab placement.

“He did not intend to hurt the officer. He says he goes into a mind faze and he then cannot cope with things.

“For a young man he is in a bit of a mess.”

Sentencing the defendant to a six-week suspended custodial sentence for 12 months on July 10, Chair of the bench Michael Halshaw said: “You are used to the court process. This is a pretty dreadful way to deal with the situation.

“You are aware you have ongoing issues, but this offence does cross the custody threshold.

“At the moment, there is a realistic prospect of rehabilitation. This is your last chance before you end up spending a lengthy time in custody.  

“You are extremely lucky not to be going to custody today.”

As part of the suspended sentence order, Game was ordered to complete 10 rehabilitation requirement days.

He was also ordered to pay £100 in compensation to the officer.