A DIVER from Ulverston has described his role in Channel 5's upcoming show on Cumbria and the Lake District. 

Darren Fine, along with his friend and fellow diver Duncan Scott, were involved in a production where they looked for evidence in Windermere of Waterbird, Britain's first seaplane. It successfully took off and landed in the lake on November 25, 1911. 

Darren has been involved in many TV productions in the last year, including one with Cumbrian celebrity Helen Skelton: "I'm loving it," he said. "None of them have been actually shown yet. The last three or four months have been brilliant - it's been the best time of my life doing all the filming." 

Darren looks through the viewfinder of one of the camerasDarren looks through the viewfinder of one of the cameras (Image: Submitted)

Darren and Duncan are involved in episode four of Cumbria: The Lakes and Coast. The five-episode series will start on Channel 5 on Wednesday, July 17 at 8pm.

Air TV's production of Cumbria: The Lakes and Coast ran across the summer last year. The show promises to 'celebrate what the county has to offer.' 

Darren with his diving equipmentDarren with his diving equipment (Image: Submitted)

Describing the series, Darren said: "It's all different things - what's happening in Cumbria, ways of life. We were asked to search from some historical evidence in Windermere."

Darren said that his shoot involved a historian who did pieces to camera talking about Waterbird. He cannot reveal if he found anything on his dives until after the TV show comes out. 

The show will not just feature the pair as divers - they were also given speaking roles. "We did a big interview about the dive and what we came across," Darren said. 

The production crew film an interview on a Windermere jettyThe production crew film an interview on a Windermere jetty (Image: Submitted)

Despite being involved in the production, Darren said he only finds out when shows are coming out at the same time as everyone else.

When asked why he thinks there has been a recent flurry of TV series focusing on the area, Darren said: "There's a big interest in the Lake District at the moment. People relate to it from their holidays and that. It's not just hill farms and mountains and lakes, there's all sorts going on."