RESIDENTS have expressed their doubts over plans that would see work on one of the busiest roads in the Lakes to facilitate a potential project in Windermere. 

In May, plans were submitted for highway infrastructure works on the A591 to support development at land at Orrest Head Farm. The housing aspect of the Windermere Gateway Project is funded by Homes England, which will only release money if they are assured that the infrastructure plans are in place to enable access, according to documents. 

The proposed access to the gateway project from the A591The proposed access to the gateway project from the A591 (Image: Urban Splash)

In the planning statement, the applicant Urban Splash says the project 'is the ambition to create a transformational new gateway for Windermere that contributes to the vibrancy of the town through delivering affordable and local needs housing, jobs and improved sustainable travel opportunities."

The proposed development would include reducing the speed limit to 30mph on the approach to Windermere Gateway and the A591 width to 3.25m for each lane with a 2m central feature. 

The proposed access from Thwaites LaneThe proposed access from Thwaites Lane (Image: Urban Splash)

The applicant also proposes building new junctions on the A591 and Thwaites Lane. 

Windermere and Bowness town councillor Christine Cook was part of a planning subcommittee team that raised no objections to the work. As a consultee, this will be considered by the planners at the park authority when they make the final decision. 

However on the topic of disruption on the A591, which links Kendal with Keswick through the central Lake District, she said: "There most likely would be. I can't pretend there wouldn't.

"It isn't a reason to say no. If we want affordable housing we are all going to be inconvenienced." 

Objecting, Ciara Loughran said: "I believe that highway safety will be significantly compromised by this development. Lowering the speed limit will not mitigate the dangers presented by the inadequate sight lines and the increased number of vehicles accessing and egressing Thwaites Lane, as well as the new proposed junction for the Orrest Head Farm development.

"Maintaining free-flowing traffic along the A591 is crucial for the local economy, benefiting residents, businesses, delivery services, and visitors alike." 

R Frain said: "We regularly use Thwaites lane to access the A591 which is already a challenge. The high volume of traffic vehicles approaching from both directions already causes long delays."

"I’m objecting because of all the extra traffic it will generate on Claife Avenue, Droomer Drive and Limethwaite Road which are already too congested and used by locals already as rat runs to avoid driving through Windermere village," Heather Blezard said. 

The planning statement discusses adding a new pedestrian point on the A591 after the pre-application public consultation period.