CHILDREN spontaneously apologised to their community after some classmates left a popular spot in a mess.

The pump track in Allithwaite on Quarry Lane was found to be covered in stones and rocks that had been thrown onto the course.

Users believed the rubble could have represented a 'substantial hazard to riders' if the mess had not been cleared up.

A spokesperson from Allithwaite Church of England Primary School said: "Sadly, this likely occurred at the end of our sports day when the younger of our children were with their parents and our staff team were supervising the older children's events.

"After discussing the matter in school, we believe that some of the younger children likely caused the mess when they were throwing stones at the pump track."

The mess was first spotted last week on Thursday, July 4, with the school taking to social media the day after to address the situation.

"We fully appreciate that this behaviour could have resulted in an injury and also the fact that such behaviour shows that the children made some bad choices," said the school spokesman.

"As a school community, we are very disappointed that this happened."

Teachers at Allithwaite Primary used it as an opportunity to remind their pupils about how vital it is that they treat the local area appropriately.

"Today [Friday, July 5] in school, we have spoken about the wider community and the resources that we have at our disposal due to the hard work, commitment and kindness of individuals," said the spokesman.

"The older children have written a letter of apology to the community centre and pump track committee on behalf of the whole school today.

"The children have all expressed how much they enjoy the pump track as well as the park - they recognise that we ought to treat our community with respect and love by making good choices about our behaviour."