A THIEF has been sentenced after pinching over £100 worth of cosmetics, jewellery and alcohol from high street stores in south Cumbria.

Bridie McGowan, 34, of School Knott Close in Windermere, was caught stealing £47.97 worth of nail varnish and perfume from Boots in Kendal at around 3:30 pm on April 2 this year, South Cumbria Magistrates’ Court heard.

Prosecuting the case, Peter Kelly said McGowan entered the TK Maxx store on Stricklandgate minutes later where she was seen to take nail polish and jewellery to the total of £37.26.

The court was told these items were successfully recovered.

McGowan was arrested and subject to police bail when she then proceeded to steal a four pack of strawberry and lime Kopperberg and a bottle of Disaronno valued at £26.75 from Booths on May 9 in Windermere, the court heard.

In mitigation, her solicitor Liz Phizacklea said the items were of a low value and that the offences were a ‘one off incident'.

On July 1, magistrates fined McGowan £120 and ordered that she pay £6.45 in compensation back to Booths.

She was also ordered to pay £85 in court costs and a £64 surcharge.