Students at a dance school in Kendal have started a brand new adventure after impressing tutor that's worked with celebrities such as Cher, Meryl Streep and Colin Firth.

The Dance Atikk will now be working with Aaron Parker who has performed all around the world in film, theatre and arenas for audiences ranging from 500 to 30,000 people. 

The incentive is part of Rhythm Nation Associates which provides performing arts students 'up north' with the same opportunities and experiences that those in the south may 'take for granted.'

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Dancers from all over the local area are offered the chance to audition to work alongside some of the most current and professional dancers in the industry. 

Focusing on the North West of England, dancers train once a month along side some of the industry’s leading dancers, choreographers and tutors.

Students work at a professional level on their technique, style and discipline.

The programme is open to dancers aged seven to 18.

(Image: The Dance Atikk) Lucy Everett, principal of the Dance Atikk, said: "I have known and worked with Aaron Parker for many years, he is a fantastic teacher and really does inspire the dancers. 

"I am so thrilled to be offering this opportunity to not only my dance students here at the Dance Atikk but to all of Kendal and the surrounding areas. 

"We usually have to travel miles to received this sort of training and it’s so exciting to have it on our door step. I'm excited to see my dancers grow and develop. 

(Image: The Dance Atikk) "Two of my students have been attending Aaron’s Rhythm Nation in Whitehaven and they have both enjoyed it and learnt many different skills.

"They will be continuing their work with Aaron here in Kendal."

Those in the local area who are interested in auditioning for Rhythm Nation Associates can email