A DAD who was over the drink-drive limit when he drove his children away from a campsite has appeared in court.

James O'Rourke was stopped by police with his two children in his van shortly after leaving a campsite in Coniston.

South Cumbria Magistrates' Court heard suspicions had been roused when O'Rourke was seen to clip a parked car while leaving the site.

The court was told O'Rourke did not realise he was over the limit when got behind the wheel of his Ford Transit van and would not have driven if he knew.

The 33-year-old, from Blackpool, admitted drink driving when he appeared before the court.

Nicola Mills, prosecuting, described how police came to stop the motorist on the A5084.

She said: "On May 20 on PC Higham became aware of a suspected drink driver reported by someone on a campsite in Coniston.

"The driver had been involved in a minor collision at the campsite.

"PC Higham pulled over the defendant and explained why they were there."

A roadside test showed O'Rourke was over the legal limit and was taken to the police station.

He later proved to have had 53 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, over the limit of 35.

In mitigation, Trystan Roberts said the dad had drunk alcohol with food.

"He accepts responsibility and speaking to him, shows an enormous amount of remorse," he said.

"At the time he didn't feel he was over the limit.

"He never would have got in a vehicle with his children had he felt he was over the limit."

Mr Roberts said the type of collision O'Rourke was involved in 'can happen to anyone'.

The solicitor said the driver, a support worker, would face 'severe difficultly' from being banned from driving but 'he's obviously the author of his misfortune'.

Magistrates handed down a £120 fine to O'Rourke, of South Park Drive, for the offence.

He was also given a 14-month driving ban and ordered to pay a £48 victim surcharge and £85 in costs.