'THERE is no place for antisemitism today or any day'.

That was the message from anti-racism campaigners after ongoing incidents of hate-related crimes at the Lake District Holocaust Project (LDHP) in the past 18 months.

There have been incidents of graffiti, issues with staff members, social misbehaviour, and personal threats, said Trevor Avery of LDHP.

South Lakes Neighbourhood Team reported that there were two incidents of criminal damage that were hate-related.

In September 2023 a swastika was daubed on Windermere Library, where the LDHP hosts its exhibition which tells the story of the 300 Jewish children who came to the Lake District in 1945 after surviving the horrors of the Holocaust.

Swastika graffiti spotted at Windermere LibrarySwastika graffiti spotted at Windermere Library (Image: Trevor Avery)

The suspect was identified as a teenager. This was dealt with via out-of-court disposal which involved educating the individual with staff at the LDHP in Windermere.

READ MORE: 'Unpleasant' antisemitic graffiti daubed on building of Holocaust exhibition

Another incident of graffiti was reported in January 2024. It was removed but no suspect was identified.

Mr Avery explained they have had to deal with 'difficult' individuals and young people who attend schools in Kendal and Windermere.

Mr Avery said they are beginning to do a project to engage with schoolchildren.

Trevor Avery, the director of Lake District Holocaust Project Trevor Avery, the director of Lake District Holocaust Project (Image: Submitted)

He said: "It is very disappointing. It is not linked to the situation with Israel and Gaza. This comes I suspect from a different political direction.

"We have a problem with the whole of Cumbria. Historically we have had issues with Holocaust deniers and you do not do this kind of work without encountering these things and that does not preclude having issues with people who live more locally who you would think would be proud of the story."

A spokesperson for the police said the Neighbourhood Team is also aware of a letter that was shared with officers which references the Holocaust Memorial at Windermere Library.

"The letter has been reviewed and there is no threat within the letter and no crime has been recorded," they added.

One of three originals of the holocaust survivors in Prague before flying to WindermereOne of three originals of the holocaust survivors in Prague before flying to Windermere (Image: Submitted)

"The local PC and PCSO for the area maintain close links to the library and staff at the project and pay regular attention to the area and the library itself.

"Our officers work all year round to protect Cumbria against hate-related crimes and we continue to encourage the public to report crimes or concerns to us with confidence."

Anti Racist Cumbria said on a Facebook post related to the incidents that 'there is no place for antisemitism today or any day'.

It added: "Incidents have taken a darker turn recently and you can see evidence of a troubling trend, across Cumbria and the North West. Our understanding from LDHP, is that the issues predate October 7 and come from a place far removed from the current tragedy being played out in Gaza.

"Whilst we are not correlating the local hate crimes to the current genocide and response to the genocide in Palestine we feel it is important to remind people that we can both demand a free Palestine and stand against anti-semitism. In fact, it's vital we do."