Eight Sedbergh School students are tackling the Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge - and hope to complete the feat in under 10 hours.

Funds raised for the endeavour will go to the Save the Children charity.

Running 50km each, the students, along with two of the school's teachers, will race against the clock across the arduous 52.7km route, contending with an elevation gain of some 1,778 metres.

They will set off from Chapel-le-Dale at about 7am on Friday June 28, and hope to finish back at their Cumbria-based school by 5pm.

Science teacher and head of running at Sedbergh School, Richard Wells, shared the inspiration behind the run.

He said: "The group decided to undertake this challenge as they all have a love for running and wanted to push themselves.

"They are acutely aware of how many children are suffering in the world right now, and as fellow children themselves they felt it was only right they try to help in any way that they can."

Save the Children's fundraising and engagement manager, Robbie McCallum expressed gratitude for the school's efforts.

He said: "We’re really grateful to the students, staff, and wider community of Sedbergh School for their support.

"Save the Children’s work is only possible thanks to our supporters in the UK and their amazing commitment to make the world a better place for children.

"Together with Sedbergh School’s support and fundraising efforts, we’re determined to help every child become who they want to be."

The school aims to raise £5000.

Donations can be made through the fundraising page at: https://www.justgiving.com/page/yorkshirethreepeaks50km.

For more information visit www.savethechildren.org.uk.