A MAN failed to report a crash after causing damage to two vehicles on Boxing Day, a court heard.

Martin Potter, of The Orchard, Lindale, admitted he had been driving his Ford Fiesta on Jack Hill, Allithwaite, when an accident occurred.

Prosecutor Lee Dacre said the crash caused a dent to the driver’s side door of a Volkswagen Caddy, as well as scratches to the bodywork.

Mr Dacre said Potter, 39, also collided with a Volkswagen Polo on Flookburgh Road on the same day in question, which caused ‘extensive damage’ to the offside bumper, having shunted the vehicle forward and scraped the side of it against a wall.

The court was told the defendant failed to report the accident to police within 24 hours of the incident occurring.

The defendant also conceded he had driven on the B5277 without due care and attention at South Cumbria Magistrates’ Court on June 20.

Potter pleaded guilty to two counts of failing to stop after a road accident, two counts of failing to report the accident, driving in a public place without due care and attention and causing a non-motor vehicle to be left in a dangerous position.

As a result of his guilty pleas at the first opportunity, magistrates sentenced Potter to a 12-month community order with one requirement of completing 100 hours of unpaid work.

He was also disqualified from driving for 12 months, ordered to pay court costs of £85, as well as a £114 surcharge.