Steve Coogan and Lee Mack are among the celebrities to return to a march against sewage dumping in Windermere.

This comes a year after on from the last demonstration which was attended by thousands which elevated Windermere into the national conversation on sewage dumping in our waterways.

The march will be held on June 29 - one week before the general election.

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Save Windermere has invited major political leaders and candidates from across Cumbria including Labour’s Sir Keir Starmer, Conservative leader Rishi Sunak, Green Party leaders Carla Denyer & Adrian Ramsay, and Lib Dem leader Sir Ed Davey.

Both Labour and Lib Dem leaders have voiced their support for the campaign’s efforts over the last few weeks with Mr Davey meeting Save Windermere during his recent visit to Windermere and Sir Keir writing an opinion piece voicing his 'fury' at the treatment of this precious lake.

United Utilities pledged an early start on investing nearly £20m to reduce storm-water spills into Windermere and aims to start before 2025.

The water company is building storage tanks at Ambleside, Elterwater and Hawkshead that are large enough to hold around 11 million litres of storm water – the equivalent of more than four Olympic-sized swimming pools.

It is also developing a surface water separation scheme at Near Sawrey.

The Windermere projects will increase storage capacity so that during heavy rainfall more of the sewer flows can be treated.

A United Utilities spokesperson said: "The factors affecting water quality in Windermere are complex and without targeted action by multiple sectors, we will not see the changes we all want.

"We are playing our part as we continue to improve and upgrade our operations and their contribution to the overall health of Windermere."

The march will begin at 10am outside United Utilities Information Centre on the main street in Windermere (8 Crescent Road, Windermere, LA23 1EA) and end at the lake shore on Glebe Road, Bowness.

Comedian Lee Mack said: "I am incredibly excited to be re-joining the Save Windermere campaign on June 29th. Before meeting these campaigners I had no idea sewage was going into Windermere. If you’re not happy about this, then join us!"

At the end of the march, there will be speeches from Save Windermere and other notable guests with the local candidates being given the opportunity to say a few words.

This comes just weeks after the campaign group released a 10-point plan for what they say will be sewage-free Windermere and details the steps required to safeguard England’s largest lake.

The plan has been shared with all political parties ahead of the election and has been signed by thousands of people.

It highlights the urgent need for effective regulation, transparency, and a long-term infrastructural investment plan to remove sewage from Windermere and calls on the government to take decisive action.

(Image: Save Windermere) The campaign recently called for greater protection for Windermere and has suggested the implementation of a novel Rights of Nature approach to give the lake legal personhood.

If granted, these rights would include the right to exist and to evolve naturally, the right to protection, the right to conservation and the right to restoration.

Matt Staniek, Founder of Save Windermere, said: "Windermere has been exploited for decades – sewage has been dumped in its waters and a useless regulator has failed to protect it. There has never been a more important time for Windermere.

"Now is our chance, we must secure a commitment from a new government that they will protect this incredible natural asset and ensure it’s future for the people of this country forever by stopping the sewage."

An open letter, backed by notable names such as Chris Packham, Paul Whitehouse and organisations including Campaign for National Parks, WildFish, The Countryside Charity (CPRE), and the Wildlife Trusts, was sent to all political parties, demanding a commitment to grant the lake with greater protection and ensure it’s long-term health for future generations.

The campaign has become one of the most notable in the country, with over 100,000 signatures on its latest petition calling for a public inquiry into the Environment Agency, taking its total signatories to over 430,000 across three petitions.