CHILDREN planted herbs and sunflowers in a newly created community orchard.

Ford Park welcomed children from Church Walk Pre-School Nursery in Ulverston to the park.

As part of The Great Big Green Week funding, park volunteers created a community herb garden within the community orchard.

A spokesperson for Ford Park said: "The children loved exploring the orchard before planting herbs in the new beds. Hazel encouraged them taste and smell the herbs before getting their hands dirty planting marjoram, chives, thyme, sage, lemon balm, chamomile, borage and a curry plant.

"Once the plants are established, you’ll be able to wander through and snip off a few herbs for tea.

"The children also planted sunflowers in the orchard and 'look forward' to returning to see how big they grow."

"A big thank you to the children, for all their hard work and to Lorna and Emma from the preschool for bringing the children along. Hazel will be visiting the nursery in a couple of weeks to help them weed and plant their pots in the playground."