With the changes in parliamentary boundaries, the people of Westmorland and Lonsdale have a unique opportunity for change.

They have the chance to choose Matty for a fresh start – an energetic, compassionate, homegrown candidate who will champion local needs in Westminster.

Matty, who was raised in Grasmere, is a strong advocate for Westmorland and Lonsdale. He dedicates himself to strengthening and supporting communities, families, and businesses.

(Image: Westmorland & Lonsdale Conservative Association)

He is committed to unlocking potential, creating jobs for the next generation, constructing affordable homes, safeguarding our environment, improving the education system, and enhancing connectivity.

Matty said, "I am honoured that local people have put their trust in me to fight for Westmorland and Lonsdale. I am a local lad, living and working in the area. I also have experience in defence and at the heart of central government. With this experience, I can understand and act on community and national issues in a joined-up way.

"I want to thank people all over the constituency for their incredibly positive support. People across our area are desperate to have a new, young, and strong local voice representing them in Parliament.

(Image: Westmorland & Lonsdale Conservative Association)

"I strongly believe that Westmorland and Lonsdale need a change. For too long, we have not had the representation in Westminster that we deserve to attract significant inward investment. Voting for me will ensure that we will achieve it. Below, I have outlined my vision for you. The Conservatives will provide you with the secure future you deserve."

A vote for Matty is a vote for People: "Supporting our farmers and enhancing food security is crucial. We need to overcome the negative planning culture that hinders development. By fostering a diverse economy and improving local education and connectivity, we can create new opportunities and drive economic growth for the area.

(Image: Westmorland & Lonsdale Conservative Association)

"I will fight to improve rural infrastructure, strengthen NHS facilities, and champion local values and community initiatives to ensure that our way of life is preserved and enhanced. I am committed to protecting pensions and supporting pensioners, and I back the triple lock plus, which is at the heart of the manifesto."

A vote for Matty is a vote for Prosperity: "I will fight to overcome the negative planning culture that hinders development. By fostering a diverse economy and improving local education and connectivity, we can create new opportunities and drive economic growth for the area. This is about creating high-paying jobs for the next generation."

(Image: Westmorland & Lonsdale Conservative Association)

A vote for Matty is a vote for Place: "We need to prioritise community-focused housing development to ensure that our young people and workers have homes. Road maintenance and development, such as dualling routes like the A66, should also be a priority.

"I will fight for our visitor economy and view tourists as an opportunity rather than a problem. I am committed to protecting the natural beauty of our area, including our National Parks, rivers, and lakes."

Follow my journey at www.mattyjackman.uk or follow me @JackmanMatty.

Promoted by Kevin Holmes, on behalf of Matty Jackman, both at Westmorland and Lonsdale Conservativies, 4 New Road, Kendal, LA9 4AY