Taylor Swift has described how the peaks around Windermere are 'the perfect place to cry'.

The pop megastar is currently on a UK-wide tour.

In an excerpt from her documentary, Long Pond Studio Sessions, Taylor spoke about the meaning behind her song 'The Lakes'.

In it, she explained the motivation behind the song, a bonus track on her 2020 album Folklore, released a year later to mark its anniversary.

Taylor used the Lake District to inspire the song, saying she had gone on a trip to the National Parks a few years prior.

Jack, her musical collaborator and friend, asked Taylor "What is the Lake District?" to which she replied: "It's in England and in the 19th Century it had a lot of poets. Like William Wordsworth and John Keats would spend a lot of time there and there was a poet district.

"These artists that moved there."

Referencing the Lake District's association with poetry seemingly inspired the chorus to her song which states: "Take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die.

"I don't belong, and my beloved, neither do you. Those Windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry.

"I'm setting off, but not without my muse."

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When it was released, the song received universal critical acclaim for its poetic and romantic style.

Taylor added: "So The Lakes is really talking a lot about relating to people who hundreds of years ago had the same exit plan and did it. I may not be able to go to The Lakes right now or to go anywhere.

"But I'm going there in my head and this escape plan is working. The Lakes which shows you exactly what it kind of is the overarching theme of the whole album.

"Of trying to escape, of having something you want to protect. Trying to protect your own sanity and saying, look they did this hundreds of years ago.

"I'm not the first person who's felt this way. They did this."