A MAN has been remanded into custody ahead of sentencing for sharing a photograph or film of a woman in an intimate state to obtain sexual gratification.

Thomas Leigh, of Garsdale Court, Bolton-le-Sands, pleaded guilty to the offence which occurred in April this year, as well as admitting a further offence of stalking involving serious alarm or distress when he appeared at South Cumbria Magistrates’ Court on May 30.

On that occasion, the 34-year-old changed his plea to guilty for two further counts of assault by beating on April 16 and April 20 in Kendal and for intimidating a witness/juror on April 21.

Leigh had previously confessed at an earlier court hearing to two other counts of possessing a quantity of Class B cannabis on April 21 and April 28 and to obstructing/resisting a constable in the execution of their duty on April 28.

Court records show the offences all occurred in Kendal.

Leigh will be sentenced for all eight offences at South Cumbria Magistrates’ Court on June 20.