A paragliding club in the Lake District is hoping to give away up to £5k to groups and organisations where the money would make an 'immediate impact' on their community.

The Cumbria Soaring Club is holding its annual Lakes Charity Classic paragliding competition on the Showfield in Grasmere from 20-23 June 2024.

It aims to raise substantial funds to give away and is inviting applications for funds up to a maximum grant of £500 from groups and organisations.

The club says up to £5,000 in total may be available.

Club chairman Barry Roberts said: "I’m thrilled the Cumbria Soaring Club is carrying on a long tradition of giving money to local great causes that enhance and improve the lives of people and their communities across Cumbria.

"We appreciate that every day across the county, individuals, committees and tireless volunteers are out there raising money for their projects and money is tight. We want to help!

"The application process is very straight forward and I look forward to receiving a mountain of requests before 17th June."

Who is eligible to apply?

Preference will be given to projects that have an immediate, specific use for a financial injection.

Only applications from Cumbria-based groups will be considered. T

he club does not aim to support administrative costs, salaries or contribute to capital projects such as large budget building projects.

How to apply?

Write to the club in no more 250 words and state the following 

▪ What your organisation / group does and about the community it serves

▪ How much money you are asking for

▪ How the money will be used

▪ Who will benefit from the funds Include a contact name, mobile number and email address.

By submitting an application you agree that, if successful, the club can publicise news of its support of your organisation.

Unsuccessful applicants will be notified by email.

Successful applicants will be invited to the Lakes Charity Classic prize giving in Grasmere Saturday evening on June 22.