A national surge in the usage of food banks has been showcased by one in Kendal facing its busiest ever period.

Last week, The Trussell Trust reported that a record 3.1 million food parcels were handed out across the UK over the past year, a figure double that of what was seen five years ago.

In Westmorland and Furness, the latest figures revealed that 7,667 emergency parcels were delivered to people in need.

Whilst this represented a slight decrease of 47 compared to the year before, the plight of King's Food Bank in Kendal more closely mirrors the situation nationwide.

Read more: Kendal food bank faces busiest ever months to start 2024 | The Westmorland Gazette

The manager of the food bank Linda Sutherland said: "It is not that hard to end up needing the support of the food bank.

"Food, finances and other resources are donated by many individuals, churches, schools, companies, organisations, societies and charities.

"But due to the current high demand for support which is increasing, the needs are great, and many more food items are having to be bought.

"And there has been a reduction in food donations recently, probably due to the cost of living everyone is experiencing."

Between January and March this year, the food bank dealt with 569 referrals, a 10% increase when compared to the same period in 2023.

These referrals represented over 16,000 meals, with each provision allocating three meals a day for a minimum of five days - by April, this total had reached 22,000 meals.

In their most recent newsletter, the food bank admitted: "2023 was a hugely busy year for the food bank, quite the busiest time we have had without a doubt.

"Year upon year, we are experiencing an increase in referrals - our numbers are only statistics but each number represents people who, without the help of the food bank, would grow hungry."

The Charities Aid Foundation said people donated £973 million to food banks in 2023, up from £635 million during the previous year.

Mrs Sutherland thanked the local community for following this trend of support.

"The food bank is always grateful for donations received and asks only for non perishable items in tins and packets," she added. 

"If you are able to support the food bank in meeting the needs of local people who are struggling, there are donation points in the local supermarkets or a financial donation can be made by contacting us by email at kingsfoodbank@gmail.com."