Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service opens its annual recruitment window for potential firefighters.

The service invites anyone interested in joining their ranks to register their interest by midday on January 19.

Following this, applicants will proceed to the rigorous assessment and selection process throughout the year 2024.

The successful candidates are scheduled to be trained and launched into frontline services by year's end.

Rick Ogden, Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service’s Chief Fire Officer, said: “This is an exciting time for our service as we enter our annual recruitment process to find the next generation of firefighters who will serve our communities across the county.

“Being a firefighter is a rewarding, challenging and worthwhile career, and I would encourage anyone with an interest in joining us to register your interest and work with our Resourcing and Training teams to begin the journey with us.”

Over the registration period, 'Have A Go' sessions will provide an opportunity for potential applicants to learn more about a firefighter's life.

Dates and locations will soon be announced.

Cumbria’s Deputy Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Mike Johnson said: “Firefighters are brave and selfless individuals who dedicate themselves to serving others, at the risk of their own well-being.

“Becoming a firefighter is a hugely promising and rewarding career, especially for people that want to save lives and protect their communities.

“If you think you could be one of Cumbria’s future Firefighters, enjoy working with others and thrive as part of a team, I encourage you to find out more about this immensely satisfying role.”

Interested individuals can register at, where they can also find additional information about the process.