Cumbrians are being urged by the fire service to use and buy safely this year.

Despite the urge to celebrate the new year with a bang, there are some warnings from the service to all concerned.

Cumbria’s Deputy Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner, Mike Johnson, said: “Fireworks are meant to be enjoyed but they do need our respect.

“It’s essential that anyone that buys and sets off fireworks does so safely and responsibly.

“Please heed the advice of Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service and ring in 2024 safely.”

Among tips, the fire service said only adults should deal with fireworks, firework displays should end by 1am, only buy fireworks with the CE or UKCA marks, and never return to a firework once lit.

They also advice to never put fireworks in pockets or throw them, to never use paraffin or petrol on a bonfire, and the always light fireworks at arm’s length with a taper and stand well back once the firework is lit.